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What is the particle size of hexagonal boron nitride powder?

Hexagonal boron nitride is a white powder with good lubrication properties, high temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, high thermal conductivity, and good insulation properties. HBN is called white graphite because it has a similar layered crystal structure and physical and chemical properties similar to graphite (good lubricity and thermal conductivity). It is commonly used as a sintered ceramic material. In addition, due to its high thermal conductivity, good electrical insulation properties, low thermal expansion coefficient and non-thermal properties, h-BN structural ceramics have been widely used in high temperature insulation components, atomic energy, metallurgy, aviation and other fields. As a raw material for synthesizing cubic boron nitride, hexagonal boron nitride is a theoretical low-temperature stable phase, and its excellent performance is more attractive. Therefore, hexagonal boron nitride is commonly used to synthesize cubic boron nitride.

Hexagonal boron nitride is powdery and has different particle sizes. H-BN with different particle sizes is suitable for manufacturing with different products.
HBN, about 5 microns in size, has smaller particle size and higher crystallinity, and is suitable for products with smaller particle size requirements, such as additives for thermal tapes and films; additives for thermal fiber products; used to prepare cubic boron nitride; and special ceramic raw materials.

HBN with a size of 5 to 15 microns has a small original particle size and a large agglomerated particle size. Because the particles are spherical, its role is to be used as a filler, mold release agent for injection molding and injection molding, and composite ceramics. It is also easy to hot-press.

15 ~ 30 micron hexagonal boron nitride has high crystallinity and large wafer size, reaching the advanced level of similar foreign products. High crystallinity hexagonal boron nitride is superior to ordinary products in terms of thermal conductivity, insulation, lubrication, high temperature resistance, and resistance to molten metal corrosion.

Both foundation powder eyeshadow lipsticks can be added with boron nitride to increase the lubricity and pearlescent effect. It is more appropriate to choose a hexagonal boron nitride of about 13 microns for powder foundations, and the effect is better. For lipstick, it is better to choose hexagonal boron nitride of about 3 microns to 5 microns.

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